Give me, Give Me!
The other day, I hired someone to perform a service for me. Later she contacted me after seeing my post and asking why I did not tag her. I was shocked. Cause I reached out, she quoted me, and I paid her quoted price. I felt I owed no tag. (Sometimes I still tag business people that I love even I’ve paid for the service. But it’s my choice)
As someone who is on both sides of the giving away (people reach out to me to speak, donate catering services, or provide coaching workshops for free) and receiving (I’m often gifted clothing items, paid to mention a product or post something, I try to be mindful on all directions.
The rules of engagement on social media can be a tad blurred and none more so in the area of when to give away freebies, if you should give away freebies and what to expect from a freebie.